About Us

I’d been here before. Postpartum, stress, malfunctioning thyroid. This time was different, unfamiliar. Despite 13 appointments, 4 doctors, across 2 states in a matter of 6 weeks - the underlying reason unknown - I’d lost my vision in my left eye and was now losing my hair too. I would later come to learn I had an autoimmune disease that would mean losing my vision, and possibly my hair, at any point without warning… from now on. 

That was incredibly hard to understand. I’m an avid yuka app user for anything that goes in or on my body. I grow my own organic veggies and fruits. I workout 5 times a week without fail. How could this possibly be my new reality? UGH.

Our hair is so much a part of who we are! I tried nearly every popular product there was on the market. I was left with disappointment and oily hair. Finally I did what I do best - research. 

Many products marketed as "natural" and "non-toxic" actually contain harmful ingredients, such as endocrine disruptors linked to fertility issues and even liver damage (see Science and Research page for more). Minoxidil is in the same drug group as blood pressure meds! If not taken with other drugs to counter the dangerous side effects, it can be incredibly dangerous. Ingredients in many of the popular products also primarily target one type of hair change, making it ineffective for many.

My research inspired me to create a better, broader solution that is fully grounded in nature.

Renū hair serum is crafted from 100% plant-powered, non-toxic ingredients, making it safe for all hair types. Our formula is designed and tested to target many underlying reasons for change in hair (shedding, stunted growth and regrowth, dormant follicles, breakage), and deliver the healthy hair you deserve, without the oily finish.

As a female-owned, small-town family business, I am deeply grateful for the trust and support of our customers. Thank you for joining me on this journey to healthier, renū’d hair!

- Shelly Gensmer-Cleek, founder